Sunday, September 23, 2012

Appy Days!

GOT an iPad? You can now download Britain's favourite newspaper with our great new app.

The Sun for iPad consists of an interactive ePaper, plus an iEdition section for latest news ... all for one great price!
If you are already a subscriber you can use this page for technical help and details of our latest updates.
Get The Sun iPad app here
The ePaper downloads the entire 'printed' newspaper from Monday to Saturday for offline reading, so that you can enjoy the fun of The Sun, wherever you are. It's unbeatable value.
You get Britain's No.1 paper as well as the 7-day Sun TV Mag on a Saturday, unrivalled football coverage and a comprehensive Saturday racing guide, The Favourite.
The ePaper includes columnists like Jeremy Clarkson, Frankie Boyle and Jane Moore. There are favourites like Gordon Smart's Bizarre, Dear Deidre and our great new Shadows comic strip. (Columnists vary from day to day and please note that there is no ePaper on a Sunday).

The Sun on your iPad

Video guide tells you how to use our new app

You can also use our iEdition during the day to keep you up to date with major stories.
The Sun for iPad is available now in Apple's App Store, priced £4.99. This includes a 30 day subscription, which can be renewed via the app.
(Please note there are no interactive puzzles or crosswords in the ePaper ... but we hope you'll agree the app is still a must for all iPad addicts!)


Here's our top tips for how to enjoy The Sun on your iPad.
1 - For best results we recommend you always use WiFi to download your ePaper. Download times will vary depending on the speed of your connection, but once you've completed the process your ePaper is available offline whenever you want.
2 - You can swipe through pages in either portrait or landscape mode, plus there's a "Sun View" button which loads pages in miniature format to help you navigate.
3 - Use the "Menu" button to help you find key sections, such as Sport or TV Biz.
4 - You can tap and zoom or pinch to read individual stories, or use the "Text" button to call up a text-only version of each page.
5 - Your downloaded editions can be accessed via the button marked "My Library".
6 -To delete an edition, simply hold your finger on a front page in the library in order to bring up a small "X". Touch the X to delete (as if deleting an App).
7 - Use iEdition via WiFi or 3G to keep you up to date with major stories.
8 - Touch on the double-arrow icon within the iEdition to make main images go full screen
9 - You can finger-scroll through thumbnail dials within the iEdition or use section buttons to navigate to content categories.
10 - Due to the size of the download (in excess of 30mg of content), Saturday's ePaper may take longer to download than midweek editions.

TROUBLE-SHOOTING: Some helpful Q & As

PLEASE ensure you regularly download our latest updates from the App Store as this will improve performance. Meanwhile, here are some Q & As which you may find helpful:
Q: I see only white space when swiping through the ePaper?
A: Pages which contain heavy graphics may occasionally take longer to load, but the ePaper will resume normal functionality if you allow a brief pause. If problem persists, please return to home screen before re-opening ePaper. In extreme cases, delete the edition and re-download.
Q: I cannot renew my subscription?
A: You may need to download our latest update. This is available from the App Store.
Q: I get a message telling me to "please wait", meanwhile I cannot access content?
A: Your device may be struggling to connect with either WiFi or 3G. The problem should automatically time-out after one minute, allowing you to read any cached content offline. If need be, switch off your WiFi or 3G completely until you have a stronger signal.
Q: I am having trouble reading my ePaper following an update or a download. What can I do?
A: You may need to clear your library section by deleting one or more editions. Updates will normally do this automatically, but in rare circumstances you may need to manually delete any previously downloaded editions (follow the procedure outlined in Tip 6 above to delete editions).
Q: I cannot download my ePaper?
A: Check your connection. We recommend WiFi for best results, as performance via 3G may vary from network to network.
A small number of 3G users have occasionally reported being unable to access new editions. If you are affected email us at and we will investigate and if need be we will contact your network provider.
Q: What do I do if my app continues to malfunction or crash?
A: In extreme circumstances you may need to delete the entire app, and redownload it from the App Store. You will not be charged if you use the same iTunes account that you originally used to buy the app.
FINALLY: The Sun values all its readers and we welcome your feedback in order to help us improve service. If you have any comments or require further assistance please email us at - we aim to respond to all emails within 24 hours.

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