Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lady Gaga has ‘no right to privacy’ says former aide

Lady Gaga

LADY Gaga has no right to privacy because she is always exposing her body, claims her former personal assistant.
Jennifer O’Neill is suing the US singer for £250,000 of alleged unpaid overtime.
The former £50,000-a-year aide says unpublished pictures of Gaga by top photographer Terry Richardson prove she was at Gaga’s constant beck and call.
Gaga, real name Stefani Germanotta, is refusing to release the photos — claiming they are “private and personal”.
But Ms O’Neill, claiming for 7,168 hours of overtime, said: “I was frequently at Ms Germanotta’s side, often ready with coffee and/or water, from dusk to dawn.”
She claimed that Gaga exposes “herself in all manner of bizarre and intimate ways for the world to see every day”.
The case is due in court later this year.

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